Hi there.
Welcome to this site, but please be aware this content is by and large targeted at my future self, for reference.
I will, from time to time, take more care in writing up things I find particularly interesting, but if you are browsing my stuff wantonly, do not be surprised of the slapdash aspect of it .
Address all comments to me, if you actually know me. Otherwise, sorry, but I don't really care.
From monolithic to MACH architecture
It’s been a while since my last proper post, but I’ve given a presentation last week that, I believe, deserves to be expanded into a post.
Terraform CDK - part 2
It’s been 2 week since the previous post in this series and I am really starting to enjoy the Terraform CDK.
Terraform CDK - part 1
In this post I start building infrastructure components in my AWS sandbox, using the recently released Terraform Cloud Development Kit (CDK). I am going to keep it very basic, simply create an IAM role and policy, just to get myself going. What I am going to do however is dig into each little command and instructions I found in various tutorials, to make sure I understand the magic they hide from me.
Architecture descriptions in the cloud
This week I have started documenting our target architecture. Now, what I was actually asked to do was “document our target cloud infrastructure”, but I have been there before and believe a formal (ish) overall architecture description is required before diving into any specific problem area.
Configuring Git to use the proper SSH key across multiple remote repositories
The new job uses both GitLab and BitBucket, and mandates SSH to access both.
Scripting access to my AWS sandbox
Today I am documenting how I intend to use the AWS sandbox environments provided by my current employer. These are phoenix environments - we can book them for anything between 1 and 7 days, after which time they get wiped out with AWS nuke.
We get given near free rein, with AdministratorAccess
AWS managed policy. We are also supposedly restricted in the EC2 instances size we can launch, although I have not seen this reflected in the policies attached to my user .
Installing Podman on WSL2
As I have a new laptop to go with the new job I am setting up my usual toolset on it.
Generate Jekyll pages with GitHub actions
Now that I have customised Jekyll I want to simplify my workflow.
Customising Jekyll
Following my initial setup of Jekyll (as per Setting up my GitHub page with Jekyll), I now want to customise the site to meet my personal requirements.
Setting up my GitHub page with Jekyll
I have decided to finally set up a mini blog type site on my under utilised GitHub. The main intention is to have a single place to put all the random stuff I find when browsing the internet, twitter and linkedin, in a format I can then share as and when I think it could be useful to the wider world.